Update on Direction of Blog

What’s New?

Hey all,

So I am going to kind of pivot this blog to a journal about how I actually live with my OCD and anxiety. I will still bring articles forward about interesting topics. One that I have in the pipeline is OCD and Caffeine. Like every other study about caffeine, it could be good or bad for you.

Will, why are you changing your blog? You’ve barely even used it anyway so why now?

I’m pivoting because, honestly I don’t have time to do a ton of research on studies of OCD, Anxiety, Nutrition, Exercise, etc. It might sound like a cop out, but hear me out. My wife is pregnant with our first child, I’m working two jobs, we just bought a new house, and everything in said has is breaking like clockwork. With all that going on, no chance I’d be able to bring you, the readers, well researched and thought-out content.

Another reason that I’m pivoting is because I think if I use this blog as a journal, people with issues like me will feel like they relate better seeing another struggle with the same issues that they do. Don’t get me wrong, one of my biggest OCD compulsions is researching symptoms, so I get it if a journal isn’t your cup of tea. But with this journal, you’ll see me actively deal with OCD, anxiety, etc. and maybe you’ll find yourself in the same situation one day and my journal will help you.

Additionally, the journal idea now sounds more appealing.

Lastly, I will throw in some affiliate links for relevant things that help me regarding the topic of each blog post. I get paid when someone purchases an item through one of the affiliate links. Not much, but every little bit helps. I will not list an item just to make money off of it. It will be something that I actually find helpful or use. I don’t ever try to con people. It’s bad juju.

Hope you all keep reading and enjoy the new content. I hope seeing my struggles and triumphs will help you turn your own struggles into triumphs! Remember, its not me, its my OCD.

Thanks all,


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Published by Will

I am a 30-something man who has lived with different aspects of OCD all of my life. Even though I have OCD, I have developed ways to handle the never-ending stream of obsessions and compulsions so that I can live life to the fullest!